Crimea's spherical panoramas

Photographer Sadykov Vyacheslav

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Cape Fiolent. Behind the Monastery St.Georgiy

Inkerman fine vintage wine

Cape Fiolent. The park of the hotel Afalina

A sunset on the cape Fiolent

The evening on the west side of the cape Fiolent

The evening on the cape Fiolent

Cape Fiolent. Admiral Lazarev' house near the monastery

Cape Fiolent. A halfway to Yashmovy beach

Cape Fiolent. The enter to Yashmovy beach

Cape Fiolent. The left part of Yashmovy beach

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Спонсоры проекта:

©2007 Sadykov Vyacheslav

Special thanks for the help to Grabchuck Nikolay, Kagyrin Sergey and Rusakov Eugeny