Korolev's spherical panoramas

Photographer Sadykov Vyacheslav

Русская версия   English version

Korolev Avenue near the Krupskaya Library

This is the end of Korolev Avenue, and the very last building on even-numbered side of the avenue is Korolev affiliate of the Moscow State
Regional Scholarlike Library named after Krupskaya. Its grey two-storeyed building is seen through the opening between birches which adorn
the alley running along the avenue. This alley makes Korolev Avenue look like boulevard. New building in the end of the avenue which is called
"corn" building among people is actually fits well into the city landscape but the fact that it shut off normal drive from Dzerzhinsky street still
perplexes me.

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Спонсоры проекта:

©2007 Sadykov Vyacheslav

Special thanks for the help to Grabchuck Nikolay, Kagyrin Sergey and Rusakov Eugeny