World Around - Spherical Panoramas

Spherical Panoramas

The map of chapter Ñôåðè÷åñêèå ïàíîðàìû
ã. Êîðîëåâà è îêðåñòíîñòåé

Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ   English version

Ñôåðè÷åñêèå ïàíîðàìû ã. Êîðîëåâà è îêðåñòíîñòåé
    Dvortsovaya square - Korolev′s main square
    The main entry in the park near DK Kalinina
    Landscaping on Oktabrskaya street
    Landscaping near Vympel stadium
    Landscaping in the Center of Korolev Avenue
    Korolev Avenue near the Krupskaya Library
    Overpass across the railroad near Bolshevo station
    Center of Aesthetic Education of Children on Isaeva Street
    Beginning of Kosmonavtov Avenue
    Flowerbed and plane in Kosmonavtov Avenue
    Sunset from the Roof of 17-storeyed building in Kosmonavtov Avenue (2)
    Sunset from the Roof of 17-storeyed building in Kosmonavtov Avenue (1)
    View from the Roof of 17-storeyed building on Kosmonavtov Avenue (2)
    View from the Roof of 17-storeyed building in Kosmonavtov Avenue (1)
    Alexander Nevsky Ñhapel
    View from the Roof of 17-storeyed building in Kaliningradskaya Street (3)
    View from the Roof of 17-storeyed building in Kaliningradskaya Street (2)
    View from the Roof of 17-storeyed building in Kaliningradskaya Street (1)
    Middle of Kosmonavtov Avenue
    Kostino Club in Dzerzhinskogo Street
    Victory day near the Memorial
    Victory day near the Memorial
    Pond and Park in Ordzhonikidze Street
    Fire in Makarenko street
    View on Gogky Street from Garage Roof
    Crossroad of Kosmonavtov Avenue and Gorky Street
    Ñycle Òrack on Sand-pit in Spring
    Ñycle Òrack on Sand-pit in Spring
    Ñourtyard of Kosmonavtov Avenue 27
    Dvortsovy minor street
    Suvorov Street
    Ñourtyards of Korolev Avenue
    View on Dvoryanskoe Gnezdo hotel
    Bloshevskoe highway
    Jubilejny under construction
    Ushakov street in Valentinovka settlement
    March, Sand-pit
    Temple of St. Seraphim Sarovsky
    Winter in Jubileyny (square)
    Winter in Jubilejny (Two pines)
    The End of Korolev Avenue
    Winter Evening in Kosmonavtov Avenue
    Winter evening near the Monument to S.P. Korolev
    Winter evening near the Monument S. P. Korolev
    Winter Evening in Korolev Avenue
    Krupskaya Street
    Ski-track along forest
    Former pioner camp on Knizhnaya street
    Ñycle Òrack on Sand-pit in Winter
    View on Klyazma river at Winter
    On Klyazma river at Winter
    View on Klyazma river at Winter near Klubnichnaya street
    Pond on Korolev Street in Valentinovka
    Ermolova street in Valentinovka
    At the End of Finnish Settlement
    Winter in Losiny Island
    Entry to Losiny Island
    Frozen Lakes near Oboldino Village
    Winter near Akulovsky Ñanal

Ñïîíñîðû ïðîåêòà:

©2007 Sadykov Vyacheslav

Special thanks for the help to Grabchuck Nikolay, Kagyrin Sergey and Rusakov Eugeny