World Around - Spherical Panoramas

Spherical Panoramas

The map of chapter Сферические панорамы

Русская версия   English version

Сферические панорамы Санкт-Петербурга
    Nevsky prospect near The Kazan Cathedral in the evening
    Peter I monument on Admiralteyskaya embankment
    Dvortsovaya embankment near the Mramorny palace
    Sunset on Neva from Troitskiy bridge
    On Kutuzov′s embankment near Letniy Garden fence
    Smolny Cathedral
    Entry to the garden near Smolny from Proletarskoy diktatury square
    View on Neva from Bolsheokhtinskiy bridge
    Nikolay I monument on Isaakievskaya square (2)
    Nikolay I monument on Isaakievskaya square (1)
    The Copper Horseman on Senate Square (3)
    The Copper Horseman on Senate Square (2)
    Rostral column on Vasilevsky Island spit
    On the bank of Vasilievsky Island spit
    View from Mytninskaya embankment to Neva and the fountain
    View from Zayachiy island to Vasilyevsky island and the fountain
    On the bank of Kronverksky Strait
    Peter and Pavel Cathedral in Petropavlovskaya Fortress
    View from the roof of Petropavlovskaya Fortress
    View on Neva River from the roof of Petropavlovskaya Fortress
    Мonument to Alexander Suvorov in Suvorovskaya Square
    Memorial to the Revolution Fighters on the Mars field
    Troitsky Bridge
    Petrogradskaya embankment near Cruiser Aurora (2)
    Petrogradskaya embankment near Cruiser Aurora (1)
    Cruiser Aurora, on-board (2)
    Cruiser Aurora, on-board (1)
    Saint Isaac′s Cathedral. View from Saint Isaac′s square
    The Copper Horseman on Senate Square (1)
    The Spit of Vasilyevsky Island. Rostral column.
    Dvortsovaya (Palace) Square, The Winter Palace
    Colonnade of the Kazan Cathedral, Kazanskaya street
    The Kazan Cathedral
    Kazanskaya Square, Nevsky prospect metro station
    The Church of the Savior on Blood, view from Novo-Konushenny bridge
    The Church of the Savior on Blood, view from Konushennaya square
    View on Griboedov Channel from Italian bridge
    Gostiny Dvor in the Nevsky prospect
    Nevsky prospect. Ekaterininsky Garden
    Anichkov bridge

Спонсоры проекта:

©2007 Sadykov Vyacheslav

Special thanks for the help to Grabchuck Nikolay, Kagyrin Sergey and Rusakov Eugeny